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The Colomba Pasquale

As many of you know, this coming Easter will be diverse because of the COVID issue. In Italy the government has issued a decree that restricts the gathering and mobility of people during this celebration. These restrictions are aimed at reducing the contagion curve.

Despite this, families in Italy and around the world will celebrate these dates without neglecting the traditions that make Easter so special. Among these traditions, we couldn’t not mention the traditional Colomba Pasquale. This dessert of the Italian tradition is the king of the tables and is liked by both children and adults. Its traditional shape is a symbol of peace and friendship. It is usually given and eaten on Easter week.

Originally it was a cake of the Lombard tradition. But at the beginning of the 40s its popularity reached the entire peninsula. Since then, the Colomba Pasquale has spread to the tables of all Italians, and even far beyond the borders of Italy. Their secret: the original dough, made from flour, butter, eggs, sugar and candied orange peel, with a rich almond glaze.

Like any traditional recipe, there are many versions and variations: from the one with mother yeast, to the chocolate flavored one, the stuffed Colomba, with the addition of dried fruit, without leavening with Nutella, and many others. As you can see, there is a Colomba Pasquale for every taste. The only problem is deciding which one to eat!

Let us know in the comments if it’s possible to find the traditional Colomba Pasquale in your countries or if you have a particular dessert on Easter.

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Stephanie 31 Marzo 2021 at 11:04

I bought a Colomba Pasquale in Detroit, we love Italian traditions!

Samantha 31 Marzo 2021 at 11:06

Colomba with Nutella will be too good

Chris 31 Marzo 2021 at 11:36

Buona Pasqua a tutti

Maria 2 Aprile 2021 at 2:13

I have never seen the Columba Pasquale. My Nonna would make a ricotta pie. The Italian bakeries would put colored Easter eggs in the breads and coffee cakes. Buona Pasqua

Maria Eisenberg 2 Aprile 2021 at 2:15

I have never seen the Columba Pasquale. My Nonna would make a ricotta pie. The Italian bakeries would put colored Easter eggs in the breads and coffee cakes. Buona Pasqua


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