Sometime around 1930, Natale Tarantino, a handsome, strapping young Sicilian from Palermo, Sicily, made his way across the Atlantic with his fiancée and her brother, landed...
Daniela’s Dish’s origins go as far back as 1915. Gerard Borreggine (Daniela’s grandfather), left his family and small town of Casamassima for the shores of...
Here are the most beautiful models sporty or ultra-modern, the perfect union between technology and classic inspirations. Colors: sustainability brown, blue, light blue lenses but...
Everyone loves Italy (particular Americans) and rightfully so. Italy is where you can find the best food and wine, beautiful art, architecture, and history –...
The culinary author Joanne (Giovanna) Mosconi is the daughter of legendary, New York City chef, Pietro Mosconi. Let’s discover how much her Italian heritage...
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