Cucina ItalianaStuffed Green Tortelli with Black Cabbage, Treviso Pork & Sheep RicottaEditor Team22 Aprile 20216 Luglio 2021 by Editor Team22 Aprile 20216 Luglio 20212 768 Ingredients 200 g flour: type 0 100 gr durum wheat semolina 100 gr black cabbage leaves (about 160 of fresh leaves) 1 egg 1 yolk...
Editor's PicksOlive oil, the elixir of long life in the MediterraneanEditor Team29 Gennaio 20214 Marzo 2021 by Editor Team29 Gennaio 20214 Marzo 20210469 Talking about olive oil in Italy seems very important to us. You know that in our beautiful country there are 350 varieties of olives of...