Buongiorno Italians
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Cucina Italiana Editor's Picks

Stuffed Artichokes alla Napoletana

-12 artichokes
-8 free range eggs
-2 cups of grated Pecorino Romano
-1.5 cups of 1/2″ diced salame Napoletano
-1.5 cups of 1/2″ diced smoked mozzarella or caciocavallo
-1 tsp salt
-2 tsp black pepper
-1/4 cup EVOO
1.Trim 1/2 inch from every artichoke stem
2. Remove tough outer leaves until you reach the lighter colored leaves
3. Trim stem of outer fibrous part
4. Trim about 1″ off the top of the artichoke
5. Cut artichoke in half and gently remove the choke with a small spoon
6. Place artichokes in lemon water until a pot of water comes to a boil
7. Once all artichokes are clean, boil in salted water for 5 minutes
8. While the artichokes are cooking dice the salame and cheese
9. Drain artichokes on paper towel
10. Beat eggs, salt, pepper and Pecorino until well combined and pour them in a pitcher so it’s easier to pour
11. Once artichokes have cooled, place them on a baking tray
12. Fill them with a few pieces of cheese and salame and fill each cavity with the egg mixture
13. Bake at 375F° for 25 minutes or until lightly brown on the top
14. Sprinkle with fresh parsley and serve as an appetizer, side dish or as part of a brunch!
Buon Appetito!
Recipe by Rosangela

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