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Cucina Italiana

Ravioli Tricolore, Sanja’s recipe!


Tricolor ravioli



Green dough:

80 g of flour type 0

20 g of re-milled durum wheat semolina

1 medium egg

15 g of boiled and squeezed spinach


Red dough:

80 g of flour type 0

20 g of re-milled durum wheat semolina

1 medium egg

1 tablespoon of triple tomato paste


White dough:

160 g flour type 0

40 g of re-milled durum wheat semolina

4 egg whites




300 g of fresh spinach

500 g of mixed ricotta (sheep and cow’s milk)

50 g of Parmigiano Reggiano

Salt and pepper



100 g of butter

A few sage leaves

Preparing the 3 doughs.

Start by putting the flour and semolina on the pastry board creating a fountain in the center. Pour the egg whites into the center, beat lightly with a fork starting to incorporate a little flour from the edges. When the dough begins to take shape, continue working by hand until you get a soft and smooth dough. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest at room temperature for half an hour.

For the green and red mixture, follow the same procedure: together with the egg add cooked chopped spinach well squeezed to create the green dough, & tomato paste in the second to create the red dough.

Make the sheets of dough medium thickness with a rolling pin or with the sheeter, cut a part of the white one into strips of about 3 cm in width and along the entire length of the sheet. Then cut strips, like tagliatelle, 1 cm wide and always for the length of the sheet, of all three colours.

There will be 4 strips of pasta, 1 white (3cm wide), 1 green (1 cm), 1 red (1 cm) & another white (1 cm). Use the 3 cm strip of white dough as a base, by which you will apply the green strip, flanked by the white and red ones creating the Italian flag, along the length. Go over everything with a rolling pin or in the dough sheeter until you get a tricolour sheet of the desired thickness.

In this way you prepare more tricolour sheets.

Preparing the filling:

Wash the spinach thoroughly, boil them and let them cool in a colander. Chop them with a knife and add Parmigiano Reggiano, ricotta, salt, pepper, and nutmeg; mix everything, making sure it is not too liquidy.

Preparation of the ravioli:

On a tricolour sheet lay tufts of stuffing, using a saccapoche or a spoon, spaced about 5/6 cm. Cover with another tricolour sheet and, with the help of your hands, remove the air around the filling by making the two sheets stick together. With a pastry cutter, toothed if you prefer, cut the ravioli, and finish the edges.


Cook the ravioli in abundant salted water for about 3/4 minutes, depending on the thickness. In a pan, melt the butter over low heat, adding the sage. Drain the ravioli, toss them quickly in the pan with the butter and serve them hot.

Buon appetito!


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Simona 10 Marzo 2021 at 18:35

Spettacolare questa ricetta!

Sanja Zlokapa 15 Marzo 2021 at 9:35

Grazie mille, sono contenta che le piaccia, continui a seguirci, ne arriveranno altre ☺️

Thais 10 Marzo 2021 at 18:48

It seems delicious !! Congrats for the recipe 😉

Sanja Zlokapa 15 Marzo 2021 at 9:44

Thank you very much, I’m glad you like it, keep following us, more recipes coming soon ☺️

Cassandra Torgerson 12 Marzo 2021 at 0:23

Ciao!!! A piece of Italy in my own kitchen!!!

Sanja Zlokapa 15 Marzo 2021 at 9:54

Yes, Italy on the plate, for colors and taste 😀. Thank you very much, I’m glad you like it, keep following us for other recipes 😉

Neda 13 Marzo 2021 at 13:50

Squisiti i ravioli e bellissimi da vedere!!

Sanja Zlokapa 15 Marzo 2021 at 9:45

Grazie mille 🤗. Sono davvero squisiti

Marco Bregolato 14 Marzo 2021 at 21:39

Complimenti, bravissima, Sanja! Quanta passione metti nelle tue delizie, come la pasta e le ricette che crei!

Sanja Zlokapa 15 Marzo 2021 at 21:18

Grazie Marco per queste bellissime parole ☺️. Cerco sempre di dare il meglio e sono contenta che questo si veda. A presto nuove ricette.

Debby 16 Marzo 2021 at 10:48

Sei fantastica 😍mi piace questa ricetta e non vedo l’ora di replicarla.

Sanja Zlokapa 16 Marzo 2021 at 11:58

Grazie mille Debby 🤗. Fammi sapere il risultato. Se avrai bisogno chiedimelo, ti aiuterò volentieri.

Dragana 16 Marzo 2021 at 10:54

It looks delicious. Bravo, Sanja 🥰

Sanja Zlokapa 16 Marzo 2021 at 11:59

Thank you Dragana 🤗. Pozdrav 😚

great_otter 16 Marzo 2021 at 11:27

Awesome! Must try it by myself

Sanja Zlokapa 16 Marzo 2021 at 12:01

Fantastic ☺️. I’m here for any questions or concerns. Let me know the result

Jovana Mitrovic Randjelovic 16 Marzo 2021 at 12:23

WoW! This looks amazing and Im sure that the taste is fantastic also. BRAVA!

Sanja Zlokapa 18 Marzo 2021 at 10:56

Thanks so much for your support. Yes, the taste is really delicious 🤗

Za svaciji ukus 16 Marzo 2021 at 12:59

Bravo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Sanja Zlokapa 18 Marzo 2021 at 9:35

Hvala od srca ☺️

Claudia 16 Marzo 2021 at 14:21

Bravissima Sanja❤️❤️❤️

Sanja Zlokapa 18 Marzo 2021 at 10:53

Grazie Claudia ☺️

Aurora Danica 16 Marzo 2021 at 15:33

Veoma ukusna tjestenina i lijepa za oko, brava 👍😍

Sanja Zlokapa 18 Marzo 2021 at 9:36

Jeste, ove raviole posebno volim 🤗

Giuseppe gg 16 Marzo 2021 at 16:54

Come sempre una ricetta deliziosa, la tua pasta é sempre perfetta😊👍

Sanja Zlokapa 18 Marzo 2021 at 10:57

Grazie mille per le tue bellissime parole, significa molto per me. Grazie per il tuo supporto ☺️.

Sead Miljkovic 18 Marzo 2021 at 14:51

Bravissima! I had an opportunity to taste some of the Sanja’s dishes….simply gorgeous ❤️

Sanja Zlokapa 24 Marzo 2021 at 13:58

Thank you very much, hope to see you soon. Pozdrav 🤗


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