Buongiorno Italians
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Italians Roots

Coming Back Home

I have lived my entire life away from home. Sacrifices, privations, and then economic satisfactions are not enough to cancel the love for one’s homeland. Thus was born the desire to resume the past in a few sentences, giving life to memories & feelings that have never been dormant. The great and hard work of my youthful years in America allows me, to be able to return every year for the holidays to my beloved Italy. It means a lot!
The bond with my brothers and sisters has always been very strong and my shining eyes at every departure break my heart. I left my little sister and today I find her a woman with her children. I wonder what we missed and what my life would have been like if I had never left. Today I can no longer leave Venezuela, which welcomed me with open arms, and despite the many difficulties that my new country is experiencing, my family is also here. My daughters and grandchildren are here. As long as I have the strength, I will always return to Italy, to that house that saw me grow up and where it all began.

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